Friday, February 22, 2008

Harper's Author Assistant and the Angry Journalist

I started my workday today by doing some work for the fine folks at HarperCollinsPublishers. They have this supercool Web site that includes microsites for their authors. Now, before you go rushing over there, not all authors are represented yet. You're more likely to find Avon authors there--you know, the romance divas! For instance, I found Delilah Devlin a very interesting person.

This is still a fairly new author advocacy tool, but it's the first of its kind, and I wouldn't be surprised if you see a lot more of these popping up at Random House or St. Martin's.

While I was copyediting the content for one of Harper's crime writers, I was directed to the Angry Journalist site--or more specifically the comments page where angry journalists get to vent anonymously. If you're a media person or a J-school graduate, or someone who used to think journalism was a noble career option, you need to go over there.

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