Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I can't remember the last time I felt so good about the arrival of spring, but it was probably last year this time! So many work-related things and personal connections are falling into place, I'm enjoying being just where I am right now. Yesterday I ran into a family friend who I haven't seen in months--"Pappy Al" helped us scrape off the popcorn walls and ceilings when we moved into our old farmhouse, and it was great to see him again. I also ran into my old high school pal Lori, who I haven't seen in about 7 years. She caught me eyeballing the Tastykake lunchbox pies, and we ended up chatting for about an hour in the frozen food aisle. I left the grocery with her e-mail address in hand.

What I'm working on today: The Father Factor by Dr. Stephan Poulter.

This book delves into the various and sundry ways your dad's fathering style affects your outlook and performance on the job. Poulter examines five different styles. Which one did your dad have?

  • Superachiever - You must look good and you must do well.
  • Time Bomb - Look out, 'cause he could blow at any time.
  • Passive/Absent - The workaholic or otherwise distracted parent.
  • Fatherless - Your work ethic is primarily influenced by your mother.
  • Compassionate Mentor - The dad we all want.

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